Jon Jeu
Jon retired from active duty in 2023. He wanted to continue developing his passion for marksmanship and use his experience to educate firearms owners. Jon is a proud member of the Greenline Tactical Cadre.

Jon's Background
Jon Jeu is a 20+ year veteran with over 10 years of law enforcement experience.
Jon began his military career in 1992 as an Infantryman in the Army National Guard. He served in various roles and assignments from positions in a Scout Reconnaissance Platoon, Military Police, PSD, Cavalry Scout, Training NCO, Readiness NCO, and Operations NCO at several units.
He was assigned to the National Guard Marksmanship Training Center in 2018. NGMTC is responsible for tactical small arms instruction and marksmanship competition across the nation and internationally where his experience and leadership was instrumental in training today's warriors. He became a member of the All Guard International Combat Team in 2019. This team competes nationally and internationally against other military forces around the world. Jon became the NCOIC of the team and conducted specialized training and competition training for some of the best shooters in the world.
Jon’s service includes three deployments: Iraq (2004-2005) (2008-2009) and Afghanistan (2012-2013).
Jon was hired at a municipal law enforcement agency in 1995 and entered the patrol division upon completing his initial training. He was selected as a S.W.A.T. Operator for his agency in 1998, where he performed duties as a Sniper, Explosive Breacher, and Entry Team Assaulter. Jon was assigned as an undercover narcotics investigator around 1999. Jon left Law Enforcement in 2008. Jon rejoined the Law Enforcment Community in 2024.
Jon has been a lifelong learner. He has trained with firearm instructors like: Chuck Habermehl, Chris Costa, Max Joseph, Allen Brosnan, Don Edwards, Scott Jedlinski, Bill Blowers, Chuck Pressburg, Jon Dufrene, and Dave Keenom to name a few.

I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.